Bee-Keepers’ Question Time
The first on-line event organised by the CABK was on 17th June when Celia Davis, Roger Patterson and Prof. Robert Pickard made up an expert Panel for questions supplied by the audience and moderated by CABK chairman Bob Smith.

Over the course of an hour, the Panel addressed beekeeping issues ranging from swarm control and queen-raising to Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus, varroa and honey processing during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Over 350 bee-keepers joined us on-line for this event and feedback has been very encouraging – we may do it again!!
The Panel

Celia Davis has 2 great passions: gardening and insects, more particularly bees. She started bee-keeping 40 years ago, holds an NDB but has now reduced her bee-keeping to 2 colonies at the bottom of the (new) garden.
In an earlier life she was a teacher and lecturer, a visiting lecturer at 2 universities and now talks to various groups, including many bee-keeping organisations.
She also writes articles and has written two highly regarded books on bees. She has held various posts in Warwickshire Beekeepers Association over many years.

Roger Patterson started beekeeping in his native West Sussex in 1963. He is Apiary Manager and demonstrator for his local BKA and lectures and demonstrates widely, where his practical approach is appreciated.
He is an author, contributor to the beekeeping press and owns the well-known Dave Cushman’s website.
Roger uses colony management techniques that have stood the test of time, but may not be found in modern books. He is keen that beekeepers understand “the basics” and they keep healthy productive bees that suit their environment.
Roger is the Programme Secretary for the Central Association, Lecture Secretary for the National Honey Show, Vice Chairman, Education & Events Secretary of BIBBA and Vice President of BDI. He is a past Trustee of BBKA.

John Chapple started bee-keeping about thirty years ago and regards himself as being fortunate enough to keep his bees in three of the largest private gardens in London, the London Parks, as well as his own back yard.
He started his bee-keeping in the years before varroa and over the years have seen many more problems beset apiarists – almost all man made!
Nevertheless, John finds his bees are a never-ending source of interest and delight.
John has held various posts within London and Ealing BKAs and is past Chairman of CABK.

Robert Pickard is Emeritus Professor of Neurobiology at the University of Cardiff and President of the Central Association of Beekeepers. He is an Independent Member of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Chair of the International Bee Research Associationand a former Editor of the Journal of Apicultural Research.
His research team developed new microelectronic technologies for the recording of biochemical activity in brains and tumours. In 1985, the first computerised atlas of the honeybee brain was illustrated at The Royal Society, in London, and Apimondia, in Nagoya.
Robert has studied bees since 1956 and his postgraduate students are spread through 50 different countries worldwide.
Hello, I was sorry to miss your Bee-keepers question time as it was my birthday so a family meal took precident! I would love to hear the recording, is it possible to listen to it?
Kind regards
Elaine Robinson
It was recorded, I believe, but I wasn’t able to attend either, so I’ll need to check that it worked, we’ve got permission to distribute it and if we’ll be publishing it generally or just circulating it to members. I should have an answer by the end of tomorrow.
We’ve now posted the recording to Vimeo at:
Hi, this is just a general question that I can’t find an answer to.We have lots of lavender in our garden but have only seen two bees this year (2021) usually there are masses of them. What has happened to the bees?