Bee-Keepers’ Question Time

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4 Responses

  1. Elaine Robinson says:

    Hello, I was sorry to miss your Bee-keepers question time as it was my birthday so a family meal took precident! I would love to hear the recording, is it possible to listen to it?
    Kind regards
    Elaine Robinson

    • simonwilks says:

      It was recorded, I believe, but I wasn’t able to attend either, so I’ll need to check that it worked, we’ve got permission to distribute it and if we’ll be publishing it generally or just circulating it to members. I should have an answer by the end of tomorrow.

    • simonwilks says:

      We’ve now posted the recording to Vimeo at:

  2. Janet Duddridge says:

    Hi, this is just a general question that I can’t find an answer to.We have lots of lavender in our garden but have only seen two bees this year (2021) usually there are masses of them. What has happened to the bees?