This site uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience.
Because the Worldwide Web processes every page request separately, cookies are required to ‘remember’ information that needs to be kept from one page for another – whether you are logged in to the site, for example, your user preferences and the contents of a shopping basket.
Most of the cookies used by this site are set by the CABK website. You may also find cookies are set if you are already logged into social media sites that we link to, and from “fontawesome” and “gravatar”, which are set by the WordPress software that our website runs on.
Cookies are also used to count visits to our site, through an analytics system that is hosted wholly on this website. That helps us see if the website is working properly, without sharing that information with other organisations. That does not mean your web-browser won’t record your history, or share it with e.g. Google or Microsoft, but that is something we can’t control, though you might be able to by adjusting your browser settings.
As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site. That is something you can do by adjusting your browser’s settings and for help doing that, please consult the Help menu of your browser.
Please read this cookie policy alongside our Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions of this website.